
【 Important notice regarding the vaccination 】

【 Important notice regarding the vaccination 】

Please make an appointment at the dedicated reservation page offered by Toyonaka International Center (6F, Etre Toyonaka in front of Hankyu Toyonaka Station) (A mass vaccination site will be set up in the Center).(There is a reservation page in foreign languages. This page is for foreigners only.) 

If you are a foreigner and would like an interpreter to assist you when you receive the vaccine, please make a reservation through the dedicated reservation page offered by Toyonaka International Center. 

You cannot make a reservation by calling Association for Toyonaka Multicultural Symbiosis (ATOMS). Reservations can only be made online for this slot.

Interpreters are available in: English, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Filipino, Nepali, Thai, Indonesian, Spanish


For inquiries in foreign languages regarding online reservations, please contact Toyonaka International Center.

Phone: 06-6843-4343 (Thursday, Friday, Saturday 11:00 - 16:00 *Closed on holidays)

This online reservation starts at 12pm, June 24 (Thursday).

◎What to bring

You need to bring: vaccination coupon / ID (driving license, health insurance card, residence card, etc)

*Please measure your body temperature at home before the vaccine, and refrain from getting the vaccine and contact the municipal office or medical institution where you made the appointment if you have an obvious fever or do not feel well.

*Please wear clothes that make it easy to access your shoulders.

*In order to get the full effect o the vaccine, it is necessary to receive two doses of the same type of vaccine at a set interval. When you receive the first dose, please check when you should receive the next vaccination.

*The enclosed coupons are for two inoculation certificates or vaccination certificates. Bring this form with you each time, and please do not cut them off.

◎Vaccination at places other than the place where the resident card is registered (place of residence)

・If you are receiving the vaccine at a medical institution or facility where you are being hospitalized or admitted → Please consult with the medical institution or facility.

・If you are receiving the vaccine at the medical institution where you are being treated for an underlying condition → Please consult with the medical institution.

・If your residence is different from your address → You may be able to receive the vaccine in the area where you actually live.

Please check the COVID-19 Vaccine Navi or contact the consultation office of the municipality in which you actually live.

◎Scope of underlying diseases covered (as of May 13, 2021)

(1) People with the following illnesses or conditions who receive outpatient or inpatient care 

1. Chronic respiratory disease

2. Chronic heart disease (including hypertension)

3. Chronic kidney disease

4. Chronic liver disease (liver cirrhosis, etc.)

5. Diabetes being treated with insulin or medication, or diabetes associated with other diseases

6. Blood diseases (excluding iron deficiency anemia) 

7. Diseases that impair the functioning of the immune system (including malignant tumors under treatment) 

8. Receiving treatment that depresses the immune system, including steroids 

9. Neurological and neuromuscular diseases associated with immune abnormalities 

10. Decreased body functions due to neurological or neuromuscular diseases (including breathing disorders) 

11. Chromosomal abnormality 

12. Severe mental and physical disabilities (severe physical disabilities and severe intellectual disabilities) 

13. Sleep apnea syndrome 

14. Severe mental illness (hospitalized for treatment of mental illness, holding a mental disability certificate or falling under the category of “severe and continuous” in self-supporting medical care (psychiatric hospital care)) or intellectual disabilities (holding a rehabilitation certificate) 

(2) Others

15. Obese individuals who meet the criteria (BMI of 30 or higher)

◎Your consent in required to receive the vaccine

If you are currently undergoing treatment for a disease or have concerns about your health condition, please consult with your family doctor before deciding whether or not to receive the vaccine.

<Consultation Center for Foreigners>

(Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare) Corona Vaccine Call Center (Phone) 0120-761770

Available languages:  Japanese, English, Chinese, Portuguese, Spanish 9am - 9pm,Thai 9am - 6pm, Vietnamese 10am - 7pm

(Toyonaka City) Toyonaka Vaccine Dial (Phone) 06-6151-2511

Available languages:  Japanese, English 9am - 6pm (Mon-Thu)

Instructions for the COVID-19 vaccination