


For those taking the N3 level of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT)
Senri Nihongo - Invitation for Japanese Learners
For those taking the N3 level of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT)
Orientation for Foreign Parents and Children inPreparation for entering Kindergarten / Nursery
Cooking Class for Foreign Women
【NOTICE】 About Japanese Class Schedule during Golden Week Holiday
“1 Day Consultation Service on Divorce for Foreign Residents”
Seminar on Disaster and Risk Reduction in Japan for Foreign Residents
Elementary School Entrance Preparation Counseling for Foreign Parents
Preparation Session for Kindergarten, Nursery School, and Child Care Centers (Kodomo-en) Enrollment
Notice of the end of the e-mail magazine distribution service
[Notice] About the Schedule for Japanese Language Classes during the Year-End and New Year Holidays
Philippines Community Christmas Party
Halloween for Foreign Mothers and their Children
Toyonaka City is conducting a "Questionnaire on Multicultural Society.” Please cooperate with the survey.
About the “Nihonggo Kyoushitsu Katsudou”(Activities of Japanese Language Class)
Online Japanese Class Octorber 2022 Start
Seminar on Disaster and Risk Reduction in Japan for Foreign Residents
Notice to the Children and Parents in Osaka Prefecture
About the Activities of Japanese Class
Study Support for Children with Foreign Roots
'Event for Foreign Moms in Toyonaka STEP'
We have started LINE Official Account in 5 languages!!
Covid-19 mass vaccination (3rd dose) with multilingual support
Covid-19 mass vaccination (3rd dose) with multilingual support
【Announcement】 the current status of the Japanese language classes as of April 1, 2022.
Covid-19 mass vaccination (3rd dose) site with multilingual support will open.
【Announcement】 the current status of the Japanese language classes as of January 27, 2022.
Information on Toyonaka City Extraordinary Special Benefit
Families with children up to the age of 18 will receive 100,000 yen. 
One-day Divorce Consultation Hotline for Foreigners
Elementary School Entrance Preparation Counseling for Foreign Parents (Free!)
Information Session for Foreign Parents and Children to Prepare for Entrance into School
Seminar for Foreign Residents: Let's Think about Life After Retirement
【Announcement Regarding Japanese Classes】
【Announcement Regarding Japanese Classes】
【Vaccination slots addition for October】( September 7th, 2021)
【Regarding Addition of Vaccination Slots at Toyonaka International Center】(As of Aug 10)
【Asking for your cooperation. Questionnaire: Toyonaka City for foreign residents to create a better living environment for foreign residents】
To Those Receiving the COVID-19 Vaccine
「Toyonaka International Center Mass Vaccination Site Online Reservation is now open」
【 Important notice regarding the vaccination 】
Regarding Corona Vaccination Coupons for Residents64 Year Old and Below
Comprehensive Counseling Services (Life Protection)
COVID-19 Vaccination   Priority Vaccination for People with Underlying Diseases
【Announcement Regarding Japanese Classes】Online classes and classes in Shonai area
【Information about the “Rinji Kyuukan”( Temporary Closure) [2nd Update ]-As of today 8th of May (Saturday) 12:00 noon】
【Temporary Closure Information (1st report of April 24th 2021 Saturday 12:00 noon)】
Prevention Measures against Coronavirus
Announcement: Japanese Class Canceled
Life Consultation Service
【 Regarding New Year Holiday 】
【Important Notice about Japanese class】

Association for Toyonaka Multicultural Symbiosis(ATOMS)
~Creating a fair and sustainable multicultural symbiotic society~

ATOMS, the Association for Toyonaka Multicultural Symbiosis (refers to "the association" hereafter) was established in the year 1993 to make a base for international exchange and multicultural symbiosis. At the same time, an international exchange center was established by the city of Toyonaka and the association also dealt with the management and administration as well.

The association’s primary concern now is to support all foreigners from infants to elderly toward their independence and participation in society. Also, to make a no-support-needed future, making a place where culture diversity is appreciated, and make people understands different people, with collaboration with school and other educational sector.

【Basic Principle】
"To create a symbiotic society within the area and connects to the world that pushes forward exchange activities based on respect to human rights with broad participation of the citizens."

The following activities are carried by Toyonaka International Center. For inquiries, contact the Toyonaka Association for Intercultural Activities and Communication at Tel#. 06-6843-4343. (Closed on Wednesdays).

とよなかし からの おしらせ友だち追加

Japanese Language Activities for Cultural Exchange

Creating a place with rich human relations where foreigners and volunteers meet through a Japanese language exchange while learning necessary Japanese language.

VenueToyonaka International Center
Date and TimePlease see below

Motto, motto tsukaeru Nihongo

Monday10:00 ~ 12:00 (closed on public holidays、some days on summer and winter holidays)

*For people who can read and write the Japanese language and willing to learn and practice Japanese that relates to work and qualification.

Senri Nihongo (at Senri-bunka center)

Thursday10:00 ~ 11:30 (closed on public holidays、some days on summer and winter holidays)

Toyonaka Nihongo Moku-hiru

Thursday13:30 ~ 15:00 (closed on public holidays, some days on summer and winter holidays)

*There is Tabunka Hoiku Niko-niko (Childcare for 0 year old~before elementary school age children) at the same time.

Toyonaka Nihongo Moku-hiru (facebook)

Online Japanese

Studies using online meeting system.(Please bear the communication expenses!)

Thursday19:00 ~ 20:00

Due to the large number of participants, we are currently suspending registration. When we resume accepting applications, we will post new recruitment information on our homepage and Facebook.

Toyonaka Nihongo Kin-asa

Friday10:30 ~ 12:00 (closed on public holidays、some days on summer and winter holidays)

*There is Tabunka Hoiku Niko-niko (Childcare for 0 year old~before elementary school age children) at the same time.

Nichiyou Gacha-Gachadan

Sunday10:00 ~ 12:00

Shonai Japanese


PLACEShonai CORABO Center 3rd floor

In addition, there is some voluntary Japanese language activities of the following citizens‘ groups in Toyonaka International Exchange Center. Please refer to each person in charge by telephone for details.

Night Nihongo Class

Tuesday19:30 ~ 21:00 TEL : 0727-61-8965 (Nakata)

Nihongo Kouryuu Salon

Friday19:30 ~ 21:00 TEL : 06-6849-7992 (Ishizumi)

Nihongo Hiroba

2nd and 4th Sundays14:00 ~ 16:00 TEL : 06-6854-8371 (Kinoshita)

A Place for Parenting Foreign Women -Oyako de Nihongo-

A place for foreign women that currently raising their children and children where you are able to exchange information and talk in Japanese language about life in Japan and rising children while making friends. There are also events such as reading picture books、cooking classes and making handmade toys. All volunteers are women who are currently raising their children too. We also welcome people who are not skillful in Japanese, currently pregnant people, mothers and individual participants.

Please feel free to come and join us.
Time : Tuesday 10:00 ~ 12:00
(There are also no activities when the library is closed, during public holidays, year-end and start-of-the-year, and during school breaks.)
Fee : free
Venue : Activities are held at the following 3 library spaces within the city.

Okamachi Oyako de Nihongo

Venue:Okamachi Library (2 minutes on foot from the Hankyuu Okamachi Station)

Okamachi Oyako de Nihongo (facebook)

Shounai Oyako de Nihongo

Venue : Shounai Library (10 minutes on foot from the Hankyuu Shounai Station)

Shounai Oyako de Nihongo (facebook)

Senri Oyako de Nihongo

Venue:Senri Library (3 minutes on foot from the Kita Osaka Kyuukou SenriChuo Station)

Senri Oyako de Nihongo(facebook)

Multilingual Consultation Services for Foreign Nationals

The Toyonaka Association for Intercultural Activities and Communication offers the necessary information and provides consultation services so that foreign citizens in the area could live peacefully
Consultation Schedule
[Time] : Thu, Fri 11:00-16:00(closed during Holidays and year-end and start-of-the-year)
*Consultation in Japanese can be done on Mon, Tue, Sat (11:00-16:00)
[Available Languages] : Chinese, Korean, Filipino, Thai, English, Indonesian, Spanish, Vietnamese, Nepali, Japanese
※On Thursday and Friday, the multilingual staff is available at the Center. (For Indonesian and Spanish translator, need reservation in advance.)
[Fee] : free
Things that could be consulted about

・Marital problems (divorce, domestic violence, discord etc.), Procedures (residence eligibility, family invitation etc.)
・Living (housing、money matter, insurance・pension・tax and other administrative procedures, Japanese language learning, and other things that concern daily living)
・Relationship (friends, region, work place, and households).
・Health (Mental health, pregnancy and childbirth etc.)
・Children (child rearing, nursery, kindergarten, schools etc.)
・Labor problems (unemployment etc.)
・Abuse of Human rights

…we could think together about any kinds of problems etc.
*Business consultations and its related matters are not supported.
For people who wish to consult by telephone


Initially, a Japanese staff will answer the phone, please tell the staff "(your language or country name) go no staff wo onegaishimasu".
For people who wish to consult in person
Please come directly to Toyonaka International Center’s office on the time slot listed above. If you tell the staff in the office 「Soudan ni kimashita」 the person-in-charge will correspond to you.
Although you could be assisted even without making a reservation, you might have to wait if you come directly. For those people who want to come on an exact time, please make a reservation by phone (06-6843-4343). The possible reservation time will be from 9:00 ~ 17:00 every day except on Wednesdays.The Japanese staff will answer your call so please say "Soudan no mendan no yoyaku wo shitai desu" and mention your desired time.
About the correspondence method
According to consultation content and your request, a Japanese specialist and a foreign staff speaking your native language can help you.
About the strict confidentiality
The consultation will be confidential and your privacy will be protected.

Activities for Children with Foreign Roots

We provide child-friendly space & program for children with multicultural background as "Support program for Children" in ATOMS

Tabunka Hoiku Niko-niko

Tabunka Hoiku Niko-niko

The children with foreign roots could play and experience different games with their parents in the playroom. Because the volunteers for child care are there, the topic about parenting also can be discussed. In addition, on the same time, the Japanese language exchange activities are being held so parents could participate. No advanced application is needed.

対象 Foreign children that not attending school yet and their parents
日時 Thursday 13:30 ~ 15:30/Friday 10:30 ~ 12:00 (closed on holidays)
場所 Toyonaka International Center Playroom 1
参加費 free

Kodomo Bogo

A place for children with foreign roots to pleasantly learn their mother tongue and native culture. They get to learn not only the conversation, reading and writing but also their culture like cooking and dancing. It is also a place to meet other children of the same roots and a place to make friends. The staffs who are teaching the mother tongue to children are university students with foreign roots themselves.

対象 Children with foreign roots (elementary students and above)
日時 2nd and 4th Sundays 10:00 ~ 12:00
場所 Toyonaka International Center
*Currently, Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese, And Thai language classes are being taught.
参加費 free

Learning Support /Sun Place

For children with foreign roots it is not the home or the school but the 3rd place of belonging is what we are trying to build up. It is a place where they can also converse and dance with the volunteers and not just study. The volunteers are mainly university and graduate students and there are also volunteers with foreign roots.

対象 Children with foreign roots (elementary students and above)
日時 Sunday 13:00 ~ 15:00 (holiday every 1st Sunday of the month)
場所 Toyonaka International Center
参加費 free

Kankoku・Chousen no kotoba to asobi no tsudoi

Kankoku・Chousen no kotoba to asobi no tsudoi

A place for children with Korean roots to mutually know each other, connect and interact with each other. Children with Korean roots develop native pride while learning their native language with the native lecturer, dance, and playing their games. School teachers mainly carry out the collaboration project with the foreign education promotion association staying in Toyonaka city in Japan.

対象 Children with Korean roots
日時 3rd Sunday of the month 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
場所 Toyonaka International Center
参加費 free

Wakamono no Tamariba

For someone who want to have friends who are of the same foreign roots as yourself. Or if you are bored and tired at home, at work or at school. Let’s join “Wakamono no Tamariba” where you can cook and eat foods with others and have fun.
Please feel free to come and join us.

対象 Youth with foreign roots (from 15 years old to 39 years old)
日時 Every 1st Saturday, 14:00 to 16:00
場所 Toyonaka International Center

Japanese Class “Konpasu”

A Japanese Class for children to improve their Japanese language related to school curriculum

Support: Volunteer group “Toyonaka JSL”

対象 Elementary school and junior high school student with foreign roots.
※For children who born in Japan, and children who graduate from junior high school aboard and not going to school or want to go to high school, please consult by phone beforehand.
日時 Tuesday, Friday 17:00-19:00
場所 Association for Toyonaka Multicultural Symbiosis (ATOMS)
Etre Toyonaka 6F, 1 Chome-1-1 Tamaicho, Toyonaka, Near “Hankyu Toyonaka Station”
参加費 500 yen/month
連絡先 Association for Toyonaka Multicultural Symbiosis (ATOMS)
Tel: 06-6843-4343 E-mail:

Omatsuri chikyuu isshuu kurabu

As a venue for foreigners living in the region to meet with the world various cultures, a seminar for International Understanding is held for foreign lecturers and volunteers living in the area. World languages and games are learned in a fun way.

対象 Elementary and Junior high school students (protector companion is allowed)
Please refer to the "Kouhou Toyonaka" (Monthly Newsletter) and the association’s homepage for monthly contents and venue.
日時 Irregular

Other information

  • Free multilingual magazines, newspapers, brochures and information are placed at the center.

Feel free to ask the staff if you need help.

Association for Toyonaka Multicultural Symbiosis(ATOMS)
Address :
Osaka-fu, Toyonaka-shi, Tamai-chou,1-1-1-601(Etre Toyonaka 6th Floor)Toyonaka International Center
Days closed :
Wednesday, year-end and the start-of-the-year)

Access to Toyonaka International Center

  • Hankyu Takarazuka Line (Toyonaka) Right after getting off (11 minutes from Hankyu Umeda Station on Express train)
  • Parking for Bicycles is on ther 1st Floor Etre Building. (Free for 2 and a half hours)
  • Car Parking Area is on ther Basement 3rd Floor (200 for every 30 miniutes)